

This is where any new information relevant to either the Triversity or the adventure will be posted. Keep a watch on the weekly news, and you may catch something that will save your life!

World News is listed here, on the left side.                                                                                                                                                   Local News is listed here, on the right side

Prime Minister of Irikia shot down in prime of life

Irikia's Prime Minister, Kan Husad, was recently shot down while in a parade down Ju-lak, while riding in the back of his limousine just yesterday morning. The parade was in celebration of the successful peace treaty negotiated with Brighain. There were a number of protests against ending the seven year war, the protesters angry with the fact that Brighain started the war. The protesters had threatened action against the Prime Minister if he went through with the treaty, as it made Irikia look weak.
However, no one has yet claimed responsibility for the death of the Prime Minister. Authourities have quickly ruled out the famed assassin's guild known as the "Shadow Agents", and are currently looking into freelance contracts set by the organizers of the protests.
A public service will be held on Sundas, two days from now, in Irikia's capital of Nokra.

Ikiria and Nadus at arms

Ikiria, in a fit of anger over their well beloved leader's death, has blamed Nadus, with whom trade relations had recently been stressed. The second-in-command of Ikiria, now the temporary leader, Askul Likkan, has made multiple rants against multiple countries, noting that "Everyone is against Ikiria in her time of weakness, and we shall make sure that we are getting the resources we need". It is believed that the ex-soldier was speaking of Nadus' oil reserves, which have recently been closed due to safety concerns, brought up by no other than Ikiria's ally, Bratan. Unfortunatly, Mr. Likkan currently holds the power of a dictator, due to the design of Ikiria's legislation. Unless he is either killed or another leader rises soon, there may be major war in the West

Nortra to recieve no benefits this year

Nortra Triversity, historic school of the Eastern Seaboard, has been denied extra funds requested for school texts by the ES trade commisioner's office earlier this year. Recently, the school found out it was recieving no funds at all this year. According to sources, the President's office had only this to say- "The school is doing well enough on it's own, and doesn't need us to hold it's hand any longer.
The school, started approximatley some two-hundred years ago, used to only be a university open to the rich and famous, the very elite, of the Eastern Seaboard, or, as it used to be called, "The East Coast". About fifty years after it's creation, it suffered a devestating fire, from which the school is still damaged in it's west wing. They vastly expanded the school with the extra money earned from insurance, but have since had problems with enrollment. The elite no longer attend the school en masse, as they once had. Instead, the commonfolk now take up a sizable portion of the school.
It's sad to see how the government is under-managing it's assets, but that is the government's initiative. It's just sad to see that the school, the biggest in the world, might just dissapear because the beauracrats don't want to pay for it. It's a shame, but there's little we can do about it any longer

Pirating along Iian Trade Route

There have been a number of ships dissapearing along the infamous Iian Trade Route. The Route is supposed to go around the northern coast, but it first stops at an island just north of the Eastern Seaboard's biggest city, Takkian. Iian is, additionally, a major tourist destination, usually only visited by the wealthy- the island keeps independent of all governments, except to do trade, and only the wealthy can pay enough to bypass the travel restrictions. The Route is believed to be pirated just north of Partic, where there would be few ships available to help. This will most certainly impact travel from the West, but it shouldn't impact the tourist trade from the East too much. However, their major source of income- trade supplies- will almost certainly be cut off very soon, much to the avail of shipping companies on and off island both. We can only hope to a quick solution, and soon